Hi Family and Friends
April 5, 2015
Sorry to hear that mom has been sick this week! She
seemed to have gotten it from me! But if its anything like mine, it should be
better soon. So, I’ve been so excited for spring to come, despite the fact that
everyone has always told me that Mongolian springs are very hard. Mongolians
hate spring because one day, it can be warm and the next it can be a snowstorm or
even within one day, the temperatures can drop as much as 20 degrees! They also
believe that everyone gets really tired in spring because your body has used up
all its energy for winter. But, for some reason I’ve decided to not listen to
any of those, playing them off as silly wives tails. Well, guess what? The
Mongolians were right! haha. This last week was a weather rollercoaster! One
day, it would be so hot I almost left me coat at home! Then just on Friday, we
got a major snowstorm and weather has dropped back to freezing temperatures.
It’s a bummer! And also, I am exhausted! All. The. Time! haha. So, yeah, spring
is pretty hard... but its better than winter :) Also, I got your guys letter
this week! The one you wrote for FHE :) I was so happy to read your letter.
Just seeing your handwriting brings a feeling of home and stability into my
life :) So thanks for that. Keep working hard on that truck so it can be ready
for when I get home :)
Well, I hope you enjoyed all of my pictures! I figured since I sent lots of
pictures of my week, and also because time is short, I will skip the rundown of
what I did this week and go straight to the things I’ve learned this week. It
suffices me to say that this week was full of fun kindergarten adventures and
cute little kids. I have been so impressed by the youth in Mongolia mom. They
are truly the pioneers of their countries. Most of my investigators are young
kids with their families. And they are so smart! They ask more insightful,
thoughtful questions than even the parents do! They are so faithful and willing
to do anything to get to church. I think of myself when I was 12 years old, and
there is no way I was that amazing. Its been a humbling and wonderful
experience to get to know these wonderful spirits!
this week, in the name of Easter, I have been studying and growing closer to my
savior, Jesus Christ. Easter isn’t really a thing here in Mongolia (it being a
Christian holiday and all) and even in the church; they are still learning the
significance of Easter. But, despite that, this Easter has most likely been one
of my favorite Easters yet because I have taking the time to ponder on the
sacrifice made by our savior and to show thanks by preaching his word to his
beloved brothers and sisters. I was reading in the Liahona magazine about the
savior and his atonement and what that really means for us. Because of his love
for us, and the blood he freely spilt for us, we are able to be comforted in
our trails and be forgiven for even the most grievous of sins. I know that
there is no sin too serious, no burden too heavy, no mistake too large that
cant be made right through the atonement of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for
his life, for his death, and for His resurrection.
unto Jesus, ye heavy laden,
and fainting, by sin oppressed.
safely guide you unto that haven
all who trust him may rest.
unto Jesus; He’ll ever heed you,
in the darkness you’ve gone astray.
love will find you and gently lead you
darkest night into day.
unto Jesus; He’ll surely hear you,
you in meekness plead for his love.
know you not that angels are near you
From brightest mansions above?1
Happy Easter Everyone! I love you! Have a good week!
We went on a fun field trip with Sister Overson’s kindergarten.
My Khan-uul district! There are only two sisters and two
elders, so we have to have a member sit in with us for district meetings. haha.
Enjoying the sights at the Buddhist temple.
Anujin, our latest baptism! She got baptized on her 8th birthday :)